Ah Leng Char Koay Teow

One of the best Char Koay Teow available in Penang is Ah Leng Famous Char Koay Teow located in a kopitiam (coffee shop) along Jalan Dato Kramat, opposite the old Federal cinema (currently known as Honolulu cafe where Clark Hatch Fitness center is) Ah Leng has been around for a long time at various locations,… Continue reading Ah Leng Char Koay Teow

Reunion Dinner at Spice Market Cafe

Have been toying with the idea of starting a food blog for a while..and what better time to start than the new lunar year? So here goes…. Our family reunion dinner this year was more posh than usual, because my dad decided to have it at the Spice Market Cafe at Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort… Continue reading Reunion Dinner at Spice Market Cafe